How to Choose Your Next Travel Nursing Destination

by Premier Medical Staffing Services on July 27, 2023 in Career, Travel Nursing


Whether you’ve been traveling for years or are about to take your first assignment, choosing a travel nursing destination is always a tough decision. There are many factors to consider when selecting a location to not only work, but live in, for a travel nurse contract. Before you make your big move, here are the top four items to think about when choosing your next travel nursing destination.

Determine the Factors that Matter Most to You

While some travel nurses may be motivated solely by location, others might be more focused on the pay, benefits, or a certain facility. It is important that you know what factors matter the most to you before you choose your travel nursing destination. Some travel nurses place lots of value on ease of commute, cost of living, or safety of the location. Some travel nurses like to choose locations close to family and friends. Once you know the top factors that could influence your decision, you can start working with your recruiter to find placements that best match your needs.

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Find Out What Places You are Drawn To

Take some time to envision your ideal travel nursing destination. Are you in a big, bustling city? Are you near a body of water? Are you in the mountains? The environment that surrounds you can have a big impact on your experience as a travel nurse, which is why writing down geographic areas that appeal to you can help you narrow down your next travel nursing destination. You should also take into consideration aspects of certain locations that don’t appeal to you. Does the idea of living in the suburbs make you cringe? Do you absolutely hate hot weather? Thinking about potential dealbreakers for a travel nursing destination can be equally helpful as thinking about what you do want from your next assignment location.

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Consider Your Housing Options

Housing can be another major factor in determining your next travel nursing destination. Travel nurse housing options include: extended-stay hotels, short-term condo or apartment rentals, home rentals, or even RVs. Make sure you have an idea of what housing situations you would prefer so you and your recruiter can make an informed decision together. You will also want to consider where you want to live in relation to where you will be working. For example, if you would like to use public transportation for your commute, you may want to choose housing close to bus or train stops.

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Look at Compensation and Benefits

To many RNs, compensation is often a big factor they consider when choosing their next travel nursing destination. Between salary and other benefits, you want to make sure that you are making enough money to make the experience worth it for you. Think honestly about your lifestyle and spending habits in relation to the cost of living in each location you are considering. For example, a travel nurse on assignment in New York City will spend more money on daily needs than one in the rural Midwest. You should also look at any benefits that are offered by your staffing agency and facility. Are you going to make more when you work overtime? Do you get any extra time off? What are your medical and dental insurance plan options? All of these things are benefits that don’t always translate into money but might draw you to taking one position over another.

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